The board, management, employees, and all subcontractors of BRAVO SERVIÇOS LOGÍSTICOS LTDA. responsible for road transport and storage of packaged chemical products, based on its strategic direction, are committed to fully complying with this Policy and its objectives, as described below.
Meeting customer expectations through their requirements, with professionals trained and oriented towards safety, health, quality, and the environment, always aiming at competitiveness and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of processes;
Complying with environmental, safety and occupational health legislation applicable to the storage and road transport of packaged chemical products;
Promoting, raising awareness, and encouraging our staff and subcontractors with involvement in safety, health, quality, and environment programs;
Promoting actions by providing the necessary resources for the implementation of the Processes required for an Integrated Management;
Having flexibility for changes, seeing them as new opportunities and never as trouble makers;
Promoting a spirit of efficiency in the entire staff and subcontractors, seeking to be more competitive in the market, through the reviewing of processes, seeking permanent cost reduction and new options for the client, which generate greater efficiency in the operation.
* Customer satisfaction;
* Continuous improvement of processes;
* Qualified and trained professionals;
* Work with personal and environmental safety;
* Improvement of the personnel selection system;
* Increasing fleet availability and efficiency;
* Better use of the vehicle per km driven;
* Business competitiveness;
* Profitability.