that creates value
Bravo was founded as a logistics company but, since 1997, it has come a long way to go far beyond just that, when it comes to the services it offers, seeing the partner’s needs as its own goals.
In order to achieve that, it makes large investments in innovation and structure, always focusing on transparency, control and customer satisfaction in all processes.

The goal is making a difference in each delivery, adding value to each strategy and always going beyond expectations, with an assertive partnership in mutual growth.
This is how the company became an expert in 4PL, the evolution of logistics with the intelligent, modern and strategic integration of the entire supply chain. A qualified operator to meet the complex and continuous demands of industries and large distribution networks, in inbound and outbound logistics.
We got here by adding value and good experiences. This way we always stay ahead, prepared for the future.

Commitment beyond expectations
Bravo is one of the largest logistics operators that currently provide services to Bayer, both in terms of handling and storage capacity. Whenever Bayer has some new demand and needs to do some kind of experimentation, we always turn to Bravo, because we know they are a partner that really wears the colors of our company.
Sementes Norte – Bayer
Just like Syngenta, Bravo also believes in agriculture. We are both very bold companies, always thinking ahead, following the market, identifying trends and making the necessary investments.
UPL has been in Brazil for about 10 years. From the beginning, Bravo believed and gave all the necessary support for the company to grow and get to where we are at today. They trusted our team, believed in our products and in the agribusiness, being a fundamental partner for all the growth and expansion of UPL in Brazil.

Our goal is to have a competitive price, but also to have quality and reliable services. And I always choose and defend Bravo for the trust we have in them and partnership we’ve built and for the priority that it’s clear we are for them, enabling us to have quality and competitiveness.
FMC da América Latina